just a couple of years ago, Wash and Cure Stations were still quite new on the market and not in wide use. In fact, we only just added a Wash and Cure Station to our shop in July of 2022. Before that, we cleaned and cured thousands of model car parts using nothing more than the "Basically Free Cleaning Setup" and the "Inexpensive Curing Setup #3" below.
In fact, in our 2021 and 2022 Buyer's Guides, we recommended skipping the Wash and Cure Station and saving the money.
Then, we tried a Wash and Cure Station.
So, what's the verdict, you ask? Well, we still say that a Wash and Cure Station is not essential. That said, we don't ever want to live without one again.
Wash and Cure Stations don't just add convenience to the printing process. Perhaps more importantly, you will find yourself with a cleaner workstation, cleaner prints and more consistent, repeatable cures. This means less concern about warping or overcuring your parts and making them brittle.
Again, a Wash and Cure Station is not crucial, but if you have the budget, you won't regret buying one.
The Wash and Cure Stations we like offer separate washing and curing apparatus. You save time and hassle by not having to switch out the wash bucket and the curing table, you can also run both at the same time, and you never have to worry about forgetting to swtich the machine back to cleaning mode and accidentally curing your uncleaned parts.
Our favorite is the Elegoo Mercury X Bundle (or the Mercury XS which fits the newer 10 inch build plates on printers like the Saturn 2). Pick one up here